OpenCITY APP: discover Milan with Walking Tours

Thematic walks in the company of important experts
With OpenCITY App you can choose among 12 Walking Tours, thematic routes to download so you can tour the city according to your passions and interests, with the recommendations, tips, and descriptions of some important experts.
What is a WALKING TOUR? Thematic routes so you can tour the city according to your passions and interests. Let well-known experts accompany you: Vittorio Sgarbi, art critic, Fulvio Bugani, photographer and Leica ambassador in Italy, and Maria Canella, professor of history of costumes. Choose the tour you like among Art, Culture, History, Food, Fashion, Photography, Nature.
You will be able to manage the path independently, stopping and replaying it at any time.
Enjoy a very surprising Milan and be the protagonist of a unique experience thanks to a very unconventional way to tour and experience the city.
What is a WALKING TOUR? Thematic routes so you can tour the city according to your passions and interests. Let well-known experts accompany you: Vittorio Sgarbi, art critic, Fulvio Bugani, photographer and Leica ambassador in Italy, and Maria Canella, professor of history of costumes. Choose the tour you like among Art, Culture, History, Food, Fashion, Photography, Nature.
You will be able to manage the path independently, stopping and replaying it at any time.
Enjoy a very surprising Milan and be the protagonist of a unique experience thanks to a very unconventional way to tour and experience the city.
Choose your Walking Tour!
Click on the images to download the full fact sheet for each Walking Tour: topics, Walking Tour area, route length and duration, and useful tips.