The color of your travels
You have chosen the colour GOLD, which is part of the basic colour YELLOW.


the colour of wisdom, intelligence and imagination

YELLOW is, psychologically, the most cheerful colour in the spectrum and is associated with ideas of warmth, optimism and joy. Science supports this feeling as yellow is quickly picked up by the brain, stimulating the nervous system and the mind to formulate clear and direct thinking.
YELLOW symbolises the sun and gold. Its association with the sun gives this colour an enlightened aura, representing wisdom, intelligence and imagination. Its association with gold gives yellow a connotation of wealth, power and courage.
YELLOW expresses expansion and growth, it is the colour of change and the search for the new.
YELLOW evokes, with its brightness, movement, freedom and autonomy. Moreover, it livens up all other colours, making warm shades even brighter and enlivening cold ones.

TRIVIA: Yellow is a colour that does not go unnoticed, so the next time you go to the supermarket look carefully: the yellow boxes will seem more advanced than the others. What about the colour of taxis, yellow, precisely so as not to go unnoticed in city traffic.
In the 1950s, Faber Birren invented the Yellow Pages to liven up the monotonous work of telephone operators. A yellow background combined with black lettering is the most readable combination for the printed material, and the most functional for memory keeping. In Japan, the ancient Samurai wore yellow flowers in battle as a sign of grace, nobility and courage.

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